Pawing at the door, wanting to be let out.

  • The couture shows in Paris: yet another reason to be confused about women. Allright: Josephus Thimster couture show looked amazing. (Brought to you by Isn't that just the best website name ever.)
  • This may be the toughest work week yet. I'm packing valium.
  • Last night was Masterpiece's Emma and a bianca verde pizza. Both were very, very good. And Jessica. She's very good too. I am developing a serious crush on Michael Gambon.
  • I have never liked John Edwards. Stupid hair, stupid grin, stupid strategies. His wife will be better off without him.
  • Be the first on your block with a rabbit cigarette holder!


Mnmom said…
John Edwards - what a disappointment.
My kids always want my attention when MP Theatre is on. And especially if it's some delicious English period piece.

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