Tuesday Thoughts
http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2008/12/09/us/09illinois8-190.jpg I am: 7/8 ths the way through Mindy's scarf (a blue handspun merino affair) throwing a dinner for the East Bay Needlework and Anarchy Society on Thursday which leaves me both delighted and terrified. (roast chicken/ vegs , chocolate hotpots/salad/bread) have no idea what an hor'derve is. bustin ' my ass to get all my work done in ten days. chilled most of the time ( fuckin ' stone age UC Building). apparently the plumber around Casa Del Leiderhosen . Barbara is unaware of things like drain traps. not going to pick up Barbara's dead rosemary bush she ripped out forty days ago, no matter how long she leaves it in the driveway. thinking this man has the stupidest hair ever. It doesn't help that he has a face like a ham sandwich.