
Showing posts from October 12, 2009

It's been a very strange day.

Actually it's been a very strange three or four days and I don't quite know where it all went off the rails and I am here in the dark typing, editing, typing and maybe at some point it will all make more sense than it does now. A friend from high school of mine has lost her mum, who had been friends with my own mum. We spent an hour at the end of the workday talking. We haven't talked in years. She is just as effervescent and clever as she ever was, but how one can get through such an event and the aftermath with such style and grace is impressive. Maybe from this blog you have gathered that I am not naturally nice, kind, gracious or even honest. It just has not amused me to be so. Ever. Where this crap material came from no one knows. Certainly not from Mum. If I don't have to try at something, if a talent or inclination occurs naturally I haven't valued it, something like the concept that people have no value for things that are given freely. Every reversal of ...