Okay, why is no one posting ? How am I supposed to remain amused? If you don't post, I'll just go read the news and that's not gonna do anyone any favors. Ever since Sept. 11, '01 when Steven called me on the way to work to announce the disaster unfolding in Manhattan, I compulsively check nyt.com several times a day. I figure if it is a disaster it's going to appear there first. And the morning of December 27, 2007 did not fail to deliver. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto figured to be a bigger blow than I was prepared for. A couple months ago a niece of hers went public with the news that Ms. Bhutto was, in her opinion, not a proper aunt and spouted something stupid about never having made her toast. To which my response would be: "She's bloody busy well running bloody Pakistan ! (mutter, mutter, growl, grumble)...#%$&!...toast...#%*&#@...!" Oh, great delight! Inventor of World Peace Cookies Dorrie Greenspan has a blog! If you bake, you...