
Showing posts from December 17, 2005

Coffee, with sugar.....

This morning I plonked myself down at my favorite table at Cole Coffee, facing the door, my customary three napkins, my book (The Serpent and the Moon) in its bookstand and began work on knitting my most pressing Christmas present. I am a couple rows into it when up walks someone asking to share my table. I absolutely always share my table with whomever needs it. So, okay, yes, sit. But oh my. Huge brown eyes and amazingly thick salt & pepper hair. London accent. Unpretentious manner. He is in a word, just adorable. He opens the conversation with "How is your sex life?" -glitter. twinkle. smile.- Uh. "Fine. Great. Heaven. And how's yours?" I do not tell him to get stuffed or leave me alone or to go away. We sit, we talk, I ask him questions equally frank questions every time he bites into his scone. So in short, I do suspect it might have been some kind of a proposition. The first in maybe 12 years. I looked like hell: no lipstick, uncombed hair, split lip. ...