
Showing posts from April 27, 2009

Notes while rocking the Cat to sleep

The funniest thing I've read today: the Slanket/Snuggie/Blanket with Sleeves comparison on Gizmod o. Okay, exactly I haven't been online much today being forced into garden labor by the Parentals. Honestly, there is such thing as "too much fucking garden". (mutter, mutter...Flippin' suburbia.) A plus, the orange trees are in bloom in Prententiousville. It's absolutely an absolutely heady experiance until one realizes that I could not afford the cosmetic surgery or the haircare products to live there. (My family? Rather like the Joads or original homesteaders. Pops left a crumpled Honda CRX in from of the house for eight years , using it as a conversation piece to get to know the lay of the land with new neighbors. If they would so much as glance at it is with the slightest bit of distain, he'd pop out his hearing aids and stare at the newcomers until they'd leave.) Mom brought back a huge suitcase of gifts from Equador, including some very modern loo...