Thursday Thought Dump/
Random thoughts: A word I often think in Berkeley, but would never/ever say: Hag! The Magnum Double Caramel Bar is waaaaaay too sweet. Too sweet to the point of being inedible: McDonalds' Sweet Tea. Before my first mouthful I had never spat out anything in the street, in public. Oh, awful. I love my new bed. Love, love, love. Links to look into later. Contrariwise: Literary Tattoos . Ray Bradbury short autobiographical story . The Steven rented Source Code last week. Jake Gyllenhaal, Jeffrey Wright, the lovely Vera Farmiga. I did not even remember it hitting the theaters or hearing anything about it. We ditched the cable outside of basic about eight months ago when money started getting tight and have been Netflixing/Amazon Download/Hulu-ing our media lately. Other than my one click of Jon Stewart Fix, I'm not missing it much. (Call me when The Kardashians/Hiltons and Housewives fall out of programming.) I'd actually add this to the growing list of Zen movies. For those w...