What's one less fingernail, anyway?
Oh man. Dreary day here today. Everyone is in fuzzy hats and fur trimmed parkas. Last night while creating another fruit/nut/some lettuce salad, I hacked through a finger and part of a fingernail bed. Thankfully, it was a very sharp knife and S. had some superglue on hand for some stitchless surgery. What did it sound like? Like cracking open a hazelnut. Whatever it sounded like, it was worse than how it felt. Keep those knives sharp. Constant friend Mix has sent me a December Survival Kit (We agreed to nix Christmas gifts this year as I am anticipating being too po' to pay attention.): Yoga Bible box o' chocolate L'Occitane Foot massage cream Starbucks card I ask you: am I a lucky girl or what? Mix & I survived many a retail december hell together and nothing unites like a retail battlefield. The cold remains, although today I feel much better due to a great night's sleep. Yesterday, while unwisely traisping about, I pulled over to the side of the road and hunched ...