
Showing posts from November 7, 2008

Our Friend Ben...

... is, in fact, still alive and still very funny. Just confirming a sighting here. Good mother of Gawhd, I am gonna have a hangover for Special Olympics practice tomorrow. Here, have a little beauty . (Thanks, Zefrank. You are still my superhero.)


How exactly am I going to break it to my oh-so -conservative pop that I am not only optimistic, but exuberant? How do I tell the story of Oakland/Berkeley/San Francisco going entirely mad with delight, breaking out into drumming circles and midnight parties and actual dancing in the streets with people we have avoided eye contact with before? The crowing winner is even more vile than the sore loser, but the stench of wearied partying is pretty obvious.

A Story from the Knitters For Obama Message Board

From Textilegeek on the Knitters for Obama Message Board: "I went to go cash some checks at the bank today. The entire time I was there, there was a black teller (normally I wouldn’t care what color the guy was, but this has everything to do with the story) behind the counter (behind the big bulletproof glass thing) that was telling the other tellers about how all politicians are corrupt, and there’s no way that Obama could possibly have raised all the money he did. When I got up to the counter, dealing with another teller but speaking to the black teller, I said that if a bunch of knitters could raise over $32,000, can you imagine what the rest of the country could have raised? He asked: “What did you say?” “If a group called Knitters for Obama could raise over $32,000, what do you think everyone else could have raised?” “You didn’t ju...