Yesterday, the Steven and I spent an hour on College drinking coffee, reading and watching the world waltz by. When standing up for a second round, a tall hip young man was in line ahead of me. On the back of his tee shirt were the words "Your Children Are Not Special." These words must have affronted every yuppie parent on College Avenue that afternoon. In our other separate lives, The Steven and I had both considered children but never found the proper circumstance, opportunity, partner. With each other we considered it only briefly, resolving that we could not resolve the dual mis -firing chemistry into enough optimism to be decent parents. A vasectomy soon followed and the reproductive mechanics were relieved of yet another chemical to ingest. It's been bliss to live without a body just aching to betray me. The family who lives next door has three spectacular children: ages 6 (P.), 4 (M.) and 1.5 (Z.). They can holler, hoot and sing all day long. There is no fighting...