
Showing posts from July 17, 2010

The ticking of an unquiet mind

I think I might have maxxed out my time, patience and projects. Why is it when the sky is bluest do the voices in my skull start singing their favorite discordant songs? Why can none of them carry a tune or sweep up after themselves? Breakfast was a slice truly magnificent Sour cherry pie from Crixa. The crust was so perfect it took the distraction of a man with a dyed green mustache carting a tuba down the street to prevent me from offering myself up as a kitchen slave out of pure gratitude. The owner's finesse with complicated pastry is done in full view of my favorite table. Date Night: hamachi and soba at Geta and then the 7 PM show of The The Girl Who Played With Fire (Flickan som lekte med elden) which I recommend with the now available (Netflix streaming) The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo. What a kick ass hero Lizbeth is. In a moment of onscreen triumph the corners of her mouth twitched up and the audience applauded her moment of success and freedom. If they remake these movie...