Playing with Disturbing Images

My friends Bianca and Jon are doing the AIDS Lifecycle Bike Ride ( 7-day, 545-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles). Should you feel the urge to make a donation to the effort, just follow the links.
My kind of valentine. Pass the climbing rope.

After work I'm meeting The Steven in the City for some theater at the ACT in San Francisco. It's a comedy, just when I am in the mood for one!

Despite not buying into the whole Valentine's thing, there will be special eats tomorrow (if for no other purpose than to avoid the over-perfumed crowds): creme brulee and osso bucco (nothing says "I tolerate your mood swings" like twenty six bucks worth of meat.)

If I am very lucky: We expect to (cough. cough.) hit the San Francisco Annual Pillow Fight tomorrow, if I can just find the seam ripper and the old feather pillows. I'd love to have you all there.


This one particularly creepy. Is it a balding child in short pants or an adult wearing boxers at the bedside?


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