Blogs for a world of Miscellany
I am still unsure of this whole Facebook thing. Next it will be pole sitting or marathon dances, so we shall proceed here as usual, Darlings.
- Oh, how marvelous: a letter writing service. She'll write whatever lyric/poem/transcription you wish or just write a letter to you. Hell, I'd consider subscribing. (In this vein: Has anyone else heard a rumor that the Postal Service is considering cutting down to five days a week? Should we start a spree of postcard-isms?)
- The list of Twenty-Five Facts has been circulating and for all of you dear readers and writers in the Blogostphere: after reading yours I am convinced that I would love all of you, particularly Mindy who Smells Fantastic. Goutal's Mandragore is possibly one of the best smells ever crammed into a bottle. It smells entirely different but really good on dudes. Dry, but clean sort of old bound book smell?
- On this list thing itself, I'm stuck: when Number One is a pathological shyness and Number Seven enumerates on three years of professional exhibitionism, there really is nowhere left to go. I swear I'll get around to it.
- Other answers: 42. Green. My mother's bottom front teeth on the left corner. You. Anyplace landlocked. Matches.
- The book The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is exactly what I needed. Work is biting my butt and 20 uncomplicated minutes of a novel on the bus helps.
- Finished up plying Pigeonroof's Golden Bough (merino/silk) 2 ply. It's glorious material and the color is fantastic.
- OooH. Inspired ceramics. Very funny.
I'll have to check out Mandragore - most scents go funky on me though.