San Francisco is Filled with Magic, Pt I

The soon to be opened Academy of Sciences!
After June 1, if you'll be looking for Bennish he'll be working sort of four 'o clock of the Radio Tower

Golden Gate Park

My favorite tree in the park. It's one leopard short of Serengeti perfect. V. climable.

The Botanical Gardens
Yes, it's a real heron. We watched her stalk about for five minutes, fishing for lunch.
This is Ocean Beach, often reviled as being dirty. I like it because locals use it and the ocean seems as phenomenally enormous as it actually is .

That's a sandpiper.
Exciting new fire pits! These are enormous concrete starfish.

These fire pits are huge beautiful steel flowers. (In this case with cheesy filling.) I want one for the living room.
This is Jake the Bulldog who joined us for breakfast at Park Chow. He was jolie laide in spades and shy. His ears were very soft.


michaelg said…
Some day I need to visit your magical city. I've yet to travel anywhere in California. *gasp!* Will I find you sitting in a flower?
Yes, like Tinkerbell only grouchier.

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