Mark Salling sings about working on Glee

Now, wasn't that sweet? Christ in Board Shorts, I am having a hard time waiting for Glee to come back on the air. If I were to write a song about my work, it would sound like nails down the chalkboard and the language would be none too clean. I'm glad someone is delighted with their job.

You know all those doilies that hung over everything in Gran's house? Here's the source:

Coming soon: The new Iphone (better photos)
This weekend's accomplishments all fueled by Arnold Palmers: Midnight mopping, 3/4 of a sock with a new style heel, two loaves whole wheat bread, Alex is up and running surprisingly smoothly, dealt with first Otis escape.


ImplausibleYarn said…
Arnold Palmer is responsible for fueling many things around here also. I wonder if the man had any idea what he created when he created it?

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