The sore throat turned into a cold that turned into something perfectly evil. My skull seems to have been replaced by an anvil which someone keeps pounding on.
That bug has been hopping from person to person up here too. Nothing worse than a summer cold. Bleh. I hope the evil is exorcised with some good sleep and pleasant teas.
You MUST get a Corgi puppy. You simply must. Think of the pictures you could share with us.
Anonymous said…
Ugh. I hate summer colds with a passion. Picture this: I had just finished my sophmore year in high school. Summer is here yay! I go to the doctor because of a cough that won't go away. Verdict: No going out at night and sleep with a humidifier... the whole summer. Now, night air still affects me when I get a little cold. So you take care of that and feel better soon!
Colds and sore throats are the worst! Hope you are feeling better soon. Lots of OJ over ice. And Aleve-D, has a decongestant in it and it's the only things that works for my midwestern sinuses.
8,000 handknit free scarves needed for SuperBowl Volunteers. Horrors. I've just sent an unnecessary post card to these people. " You must be kidding. I'll put this in my knitting queue... right behind every premature infant, the low income families in need, the homeless (domestic and international), the chemo patients and... every child for the next twenty years in the Oakland and San Francisco Childrens' Hospitals. In a word: No. " The Indianapolis and NFL wants my labor and yarn? Gah...
I got mugged in a nicer part of town than my own after knitting group. I am not hurt (other than re-twisting an ankle trying to chase the bum down. Do not ever ever run in clogs. Should not have been carrying a 50 pound knitting bag either. Or I should have handed that one over instead.) but am cashless cardless keyless bus/BARTpassless librarycardless phoneless id-less and really really pissed off. Yelling really loudly helped at the time. I had a dozen nice people around me and calling the very nice cops and getting water and handing me dogs to cuddle. They'll never catch the bastard and I'm aware of that. It's just the way it is. Like most everybody else I live paycheck to paycheck and at the end of the month when I am really paying attention to the last trickle I have to use, I get tense. Now some asshat has relieved me of that trickle and the last photo id that doesn't make me look like a complete aging old hag. And my cute new phone, just when I got the layout r...
I went round and round on a topic last Saturday with someone: sexual preferences: sources, outcomes, society. Tiresomely 'round and 'round the assumption mulberry bush. Then there was a general discussion of prey . Why are the abused mostly women and children? Because, on the whole, they are smaller and thought to be easier to intimidate. Ask any woman. Ask anyone who has been a child what intimidation is. Why bother feigning shock? The whole discussion is bothering me enough to keep me up for a couple of nights. The spinning is going well, for the most part. I've been working on a couple "Orphan" skeins using bits and pieces from dyers (most pieces only a couple grams in some wild colorways) and then Navajo plying them all together. It's quite the experiment. In the end the studio will be less cluttered, I will have more bobbins/less wool and the cat will have to find another soft place to sleep. At the moment the most recent prepared wool is a mystery: it...
You MUST get a Corgi puppy. You simply must. Think of the pictures you could share with us.