And Bob's Yer Uncle

I am "Uncle H____" to my best pal's first child Tyler. It's the best we could do since my fairy godmother credentials are pending board review.

The child I've been referring to as "Wee Squishums" is anything but "wee", once again proving that most babies resemble Winston Churchill. Despite simultaneously fighting off pink-eye and a massive ear infection, T, was excessively charming and smelled very nice. His darling ears are like luminous pink seashells. There was enough snot involved to make me keep my distance, so I shant go blithering on about babies any further.

This weekend is Stitches West in Santa Clara, Mecca of the Yarn Starved Jessica Otherwise Known as Knitting Group. We even have prepaid tickets. I look forward to her grand mal freakout, even if I have to endure crowds of rabid people with pointy sticks.

You might just have to see this Dutch department store site. Wait for it.

Reading: The Best Food Writing of 2007. I read this every year: FanTastic! The stack of library books isn't getting any smaller and I fear that there might be more library fines in my future.


Ben-Bob said…
That HEMA site is aMAYzing!!! And I needed a new broodrooster anyway....

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