Angry, Angry, Angry

..and don't even really want to discuss why. And no bloody file cabinet to kick until the stupid thing won't open no more, either. Ah, Feh.

I ache, on the other hand, to distract us:
Reading: Don't Get Too Comfortable by David Rakoff (known to This American Life Fans as Christmas Freud). Reading it aloud is a scream.
Listening to: Prince's S.S.T (his hurricane relief effort which he put together in a day, playing all the instruments) The instrumental B-side is also exceptional.
Craving: nothing. I had an It's It for dinner.
Shopping: not another thing until I get a new gig
Knitting: opera gloves, 55 rows into it. Not crazy about the yarn. It's rather bland & chalky black boring sock yarn. Next time, I say it's lace and koigu or fleece artist yarn!
Favorite Christmas Story: again, Manhattan User's Guide - Tuba Christmas.

Ever get those e-mails that just put everything right back where it ought to be? I have the best and loveliest almost-sister-in-law-ever. Now if only I were sleepy.

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