Double Tripple Squee!

The beloved zefrank is doing his part for the Writer's Guild Strike and making sure we get our news whilst (love that word) reminding us that the Writer's Strike in '88 spawned the reality TV genre. Crap: I can't seem to find the link to the First Part. It's on Itunes. Not to be missed.

- Toes: Chipped. Need new ones.
- Baking: Not, yet, but soon.
- Considering: cross-stitch albums. Like I have time. Like I am liable to created anything from cross-stitch that does not use obscenity. (The next one is going to be my favorite mechanic quote: "The fucking fuckers fucking fucked. Fuck it.") And I wonder why Mum doesn't come visit.
- Latest odd dream: invading the castle that held everything from my childhood of indulgence and way too many books.
- Finished reading: The Godmother. Ambivalent.
- Spinning: Nada. The door knobs are filled again.
- Knitting: red baby boots, to be felted.
- On the 'pod: Podcasts; Dan's sage advice, Karl, and the Lovely Heather.
- Craving: Wings that work.


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