
Showing posts from March 4, 2009

Solo Wednesday.

So it's Wednesday Night, my solo night with no obligations. And I am craving biscuits. I know. It's bad. Very bad. Especially when I think of honey, butter and preserves. I spent the evening with Miss Casey at the Richmond Police Department and all in all it went very well (nowhere near as bad as Emergency Room Chaperonage Duty). Neither of us were booked or frisked but if that gorgeous Police Lady had asked for either of our numbers, we either one of us would have been happy to oblige.

Thoughts Facing My Desk

Best Title for a Blog Post: One Dirty Sock Ahead of Apocalypse . Today's Downside of Berkeley: Diversity Training. Oh, spare me. People who need/insist on this this should first fulfill their job description. Great Idea Regarding Lunch: Tiffin Lunchboxes . An Indian restaurant around the corner has tiffin service (3 courses and a sweet for $5.95. They have a subscriber service and will deliver.)How cool is that? It's fox wedding weather outside, which might just be my favorite.