
Showing posts from December 8, 2005

Thursday and Past my Bedtime

The other things breadsticks are good for: gesturing in conversation or conducting the sidewalk buskers Latest excitement: getting a haircut tomorrow. Walking around impersonating a Lhasa Ahpso cannot continue, especially with imminent interviews. Latest Bad habit: Now that we have a dining table to stare adoringly at each other over dinner, I have found myself deliberating sabotaging my own table manners to gross Steven out, like allowing a corner of lettuce hang off one lip for ages. Juvenile. And wrong. Things that I Will Ban when I am Queen: Car Alarms. Grocery Membership cards. Plastic hardshell packaging. Hero: Eloise, who lives at the Plaza. Latest Raging Success: The Brioche knitting stitch. And after only 20 tries too! Se cret Passion: Hats , but nothing unamusing or without a brim What I Did Not Know About Mister T: everything