
Showing posts from September 27, 2008

A little more Palin-Bashing

I am so happy that in this time of fiscal distress we have an election to keep us diverted. What would we do without the stereotypes to mock? Comedienne Sara Benincasa has started a Palin Vlog which is exceedingly funny. I found this link on Judith Warner' article "Poor Sarah" NYT political blog. Steven has drawn the line at televised statements. I am allowed to scream "Judas" whenever Libermann shows up on screen, but he draws the line at food throwing, esp. anything with salad dressing.

Oh, man...

That sexy codger Paul Newman has -gosh darn it- gone and died. I'm sure you've heard, but this news is enough to send me back to bed to stare at the ceiling. One thing is for sure: now there are practical jokes in heaven. Thanks, Paul.