Shakin' the Embarcadero

El Ben has been visiting, providing a little clarity on just how goddamn scary the Match is. He has been wildly patient with our unwild and unfascinating ways around Casa Del Grant and I must say it was mighty good to see him. He has eaten everything I have shoved unceremoniously in front of him, a sure sign of an excellent house guest.

And because Ben feigned interest: Franklin's Regicide Scarf. Geek Knitting is big. I intend on knitting my own geek very soon. Oh. wait....

The Dashing Miss Melinda June, Pie Maker Extraordinare of this Hemisphere, can now add an MBA Award to her list of glamorous successes. Well done!

Fillup Munkee appears again on Zefrank's Blog with his take on bell ringing, children's art and food courts. Shake a monkey puppet at me and I am happy.

Let's get the dance majors involved: The Protein Primer. (Bear with it; things get full-on sideshow crazy 3 minutes into it.) The second part of this joke is that these people writhing about on a sportsfield pretending to be amino acids? These are people I work for.

Gosh. Phil Frank is gone. -sniff!-

News Flash: The vile Ann Coulter has received her very own Subversive cross stitch card and felt the need to call the police. Who says we fiber artists aren't scary?


Jules Robbins said…
Ok you probably won't like that i've just blogged you on our babyblog and thought i'd wander over here and see what you were bloggin about lately. and then i got an idea. maybe you knit me a baby and i don't have to go through the whole birthing thing. if you can knit a geek, why not a baby too?

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